Thursday, February 12, 2009


so first of all..


haha.. i know when i post this it was belated.. but I know I got wish u on the day itself.. =]
live everyday of ur life to the fullest as this is the last teen of your life.. so fast rite?

Anyways... I'm like finally done with all my projects, assignments and reports!!
i know I'm a lil late luh.. but must give me a chance to 'celebrate'
before I....
have to mug again for exams this coming week.. -.-

oh yea, I've just gotten Left 4 Dead from Harris..
and managed to download it to my lappie successfully..
AWESOME.. haha.. but i wonder when i can actually start playing it..
but then, I'm not really a gamer coz I got bored of a game very easily..
So, i think I'm gonna give this a try, let say, sumtime later? yeap
anyways, thanks yo.. =]

hmm.. Gin's class tmr..

OMG.. and a double COOLIO for a good news/email that I've received!
Nudge me if u wanna know aite, coz I'm not gonna post it here.. =]
But at the same time I'm kinda worried for it though..

okay, i better start on a lil part on my BCM notes before I'm really a goner on that module..
Nite peeps and study smart.. =]